Medium: Drawing & Paper Arts , Mixed Media , Painting , Visual Arts
Contact Information
Frenchiesfineart.com, I have been working in acrylic and graphite, but have my hands in everything from oils and collage, to scratch boards. Whatever medium I am working in at the moment, the subject that consistently grabs my attention and inspires me is animals. Exotic or domestic, scaly or feathered; I am drawn to our fellow earth inhabitants, and try to translate my love for their individual beauty in my work.
From downtown, take S Main St to Pendleton St. Turn right onto Pendleton St and continue approximately 1 mile into the Village of West Greenville. Turn left onto Draper St, then right onto Abney. Drive through the gate of the historic Brandon Mill. The Greenville Center for Creative Arts is located in the center of the Mill complex. Enter through the front door and the studio is located on the first floor.