Greenville Open Studios celebrates the local visual arts community with free studio tours for the public. What began as an idea among a small group of artists to raise awareness of their practice in the greater community has evolved into a full-fledged annual event. This exciting tradition is now celebrating its 22nd year!
2024 Greenville Open Studios
Created by Kinetic Film Co.
Objectives of Greenville Open Studios
- To provide an educational experience to the entire community by inviting the general public to experience the life of local artists at work in the studio environment by giving people the chance to learn about the artistic process as well as sources of artistic inspiration.
- To give the artists an opportunity to market their work to the local community.
- To enhance the experience of collecting art by helping people to begin art collections or enhance existing ones.
- To create greater awareness of the diversity and quality of local visual arts among the general public.
The Printed Catalogue
The 2024 Open Studios catalogue features contact information, directions, maps and more! Catalogues will be available in all of the artists’ studios, in various retail locations around town and in the November 1st edition of the Greenville Journal.
Greenville Open Studios Exhibit
The annual 12 x 12 exhibit is a sampling of the works by the Greenville Open Studios participating artists. The 2024 exhibit will be on display from November 4 - December 6. The exhibit is a great way to see the variety of artists in our area and a perfect starting point in planning your tour!
The App
The app is an interactive virtual version of the catalog information. It is accessible on all smart phone devices. Search artists by medium, wheelchair accessibility, or preview night opening. Select and map your favorites to customize your tour using Google Maps. Watch artist videos with their links to our YouTube Channel!
2024 Sponsors
The Board of Directors and staff of the Metropolitan Arts Council and the 157 participating artists would like to thank those businesses and individuals for making Greenville Open Studios 2024 possible for Greenville’s visual artists. We appreciate their commitment to the arts in Greenville and look forward to working with them in the future. A big round of applause to the following for ensuring the success of Greenville Open Studios!
When is Open Studios?
What is the Friday Night Preview?
How does Open Studios work?
What are the 12 x 12 Exhibit Hours?
What should I know about health & safety?