Jim Carson Painting Workshop
3 Day Oil or Acrylic Painting Workshop in Greenville, SC
Event Types: Classes & Workshops , Artist Opportunities
Jan 10, 2023 8:15 AM — Jan 12, 2023 4:30 PM
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Contact Information
Ellie Navarro
[email protected]https://ellienavarrophotography.com/carsonDetails
In this 3 day workshop, Jim will both demonstrate how to achieve a creative color balance and work with bold and spontaneous brushwork. He will be showing us how to catch and carry the light and shadow patterns through a painting. There will be lots of brush time with hands on help from Jim.
Jim has been recognized at a number of national events, including the Neil Patterson Award of Excellence in the 2019 Oil Painters of America National Juried Exhibition for Traditional Oils, and the Associate Member Award of Distinction at the American Impressionist Society Exhibition in 2015, and recently the William Schultz Memorial Award in Oils at the 21st Annual American Impressionist Society Exhibition in St. George, Utah.
Jim is a Signature Member of The American Impressionist Society, a member of Plein Air Painters of the Southeast (PAP-SE), a group of distinguished southern artists, a Signature Member of Oil Painters of America, and a member of the historic Salmagundi Club in New York City.