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Apply to be a First Fridays Gallery
Membership good through January, 2024
Submit up to 5 images
First Fridays Application
Apply to participate as a First Fridays Gallery.
First Fridays is a public event for local galleries, group studios and retail venues featuring artists on a monthly basis (the first Friday of each month). Each First Friday is publicized on our website with links to maps and participating venues. Additional communication is sent to our subscribers via email, through GVL Today, Greenville 360 and Visit Greenville SC. Application for First Fridays requires image submissions of your gallery space via the upload links below and a $30 fee for marketing services throughout the calendar year (you may sign up at any time, but we recommend doing so in January to make the most of your presence for the year).
Gallery Information
Gallery Name
Contact Name
Contact email
Gallery Address
About Your Gallery
Gallery Phone Number
Gallery Email
Gallery/Venue Website
Social media links
List all social media links you would like to publicize. Separate each with semicolon.
Use images from my current listing
No - I will submit new images
Please upload 3-5 images of your gallery space
Drop files here or
Select files
Accepted file types: png, jpg, gif, jpeg, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 5.
Participation Agreement and Annual Fee
Participation Agreement
Gallery agrees to the First Fridays Mission Statement and First Fridays Format provided in the first section of this application.
Gallery agrees to devote 50% of their wall space or inventory to supporting and displaying visual arts during the event.
Gallery agrees to have a representative present and available during FF hours to discuss work on display.
Gallery agrees to be open from 6 - 9 p.m. on the Frist Friday of each month. If not, the gallery must notify MAC a week before the event that it will be closed.
Due to the autonomous nature of each gallery, it is understood that the views, subject matter and quality of each participating gallery is solely their discretion. Admission to First Fridays is not based on these attributes.
I have read the provided information and understand all that is stated in the application. I understand that if I do not abide by what is asked of my gallery, I forfeit my gallery's ability to participate in First Fridays.
First Friday Annual Fee
The annual fee of $30 per gallery is due at the time of application. Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted in person or over the phone (864-467-3132). Online payments can be made via the Gallery Payment link on the First Fridays page. Please select your payment method and submit your application before proceeding to online payment processing. Make checks payable to "Metropolitan Arts Council" and indicate "First Fridays" in the memo line. Mail to: Greenville Open Studios, Metropolitan Arts Council, 16 Augusta Street, Greenville, SC 29601. If paying by cash, please visit the office in person.
Payment Method
Indicate below your payment method of choice.
I will be paying online via the link on the First Fridays page of the MAC website.
I will pay in person at the MAC office.
I will mail in a check to MAC.
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Arts After Dark : Downtown Alive!
First Fridays
Flat Out Under Pressure
Greenville Open Studios
TD Bank Business & the Arts Partnership Awards
Artist Application Fees
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