Say What Poetry Open Mic & feature Jonathan Brown at Coffee Underground
Sunday Night Poetry
Event Types: Literary Arts
Jan 22, 2023 7:30 PM — Jan 22, 2023 9:00 PM
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Event Registration
Contact Information
Kimberly Simms
[email protected]https://www.witsendpoetry.com
Say What is at Coffee Underground on Sunday! Poetry Open Mic, Slams and Spotlight Features; shows hosted by poets such as Moody Black and Jenice Pleasant. The night will also feature poetry games and open mic slots for local poets on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Produced by Wits End Poetry. All poetry styles welcome. Doors open at 7:00pm. Only 35 tickets for sale via Eventbrite. Entry is only guaranteed to those with advanced tickets. Non-sold out shows have tickets for sale at the door via credit card, Cashapp, Paypal, or cash. $witsendpoetry
Say What feature Jonathan Brown exists. He is a person in a town much like other people in other towns. It’s not that he’s not special; he is. But we all are. That’s the thing. We all have something to share, to add, to contribute. We all have the capacity to ease the world’s suffering in some way. Jonathan wants you to know that you are special. There’s only one of you. Thank you for still being here and being you. If you’re reading this bio, there’s a fruit fly’s chance on a banana, you have the opportunity to see him perform live. Please do.
Jonathan doesn’t promise you’ll like his set, but he can promise he writes about vulnerability and imposter syndrome in a way that is not cheesy or contrived. He values passion and authenticity. He’s basically the softest rapper you’ve ever heard, softer than cinnamon rolls and just as tingling to the senses. He loves making homemade sourdough pizzas and papaya lemon cobbler with fresh fruit right off the trees in the backyard. He enjoys wearing tracksuits even if he never leaves the house that day, especially if he never leaves the house that day because that gives the tracksuit itself the opportunity to really wear him. He then becomes one with the tracksuit.