Sam Wang: Centripetal Summary
Photography Exhibition
Event Types: Visual Arts
Jan 9, 2023 3:06 PM — Feb 10, 2023 3:06 PM
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Greenville Technical College Benson Campus Galleries
[email protected]
Sam Wang: Centripetal Summary
Benson Campus Galleries
Greenville Technical College
2522 Locust Hill Road
January 9, 2023 through February 10, 2023
Open to the public, M – Th, 9am to 7pm and Fr, 9am to 2pm.
Sam Wang’s photography consistently searches for a visual core through his experimentation with handmade equipment, photographic processes and digital technologies. His discoveries elevate everyday sights to imaginative visions. Always the educator, as well as the photographer, Sam’s photographs teach us how to look and not overlook, how to comprehend through visual appreciation. In the monograph, Sam Wang, Four Decades of Photographic Explorations, Sam writes “I have been most interested in the discoveries we make in the production of art. To me the images and the prints are merely evidences of our experiences, or byproducts of our investigations, and not ends in themselves.”
Centripetal Summary is an abridgement of “Sam Wang: Centripetal Discovery”. Centripetal Summary came into existence following a circuitous route beginning with the short film, Sam Wang: Centripetal Persistence created by John Rash (Director of the Southern Documentary Project, at the Center for Southern Culture, University of Mississippi). Rash’s film led Sam’s former student, Richard Lou (University of Memphis Department of Art Chair and Professor) to curate the exhibition, “Sam Wang: Acts of Persistent Discoveries” for the University of Memphis Museum. A pared down version of “Discoveries” then moved to the Gammill Gallery, University of Mississippi and eventually home to Clemson University. At Clemson, Denise Woodward-Detrich, Director of Clemson’s Lee Gallery expanded the exhibition to “Sam Wang: Centripetal Discovery” for a fall, 2022 Lee Gallery exhibition which also featured John Rash and a screening of his Sam Wang: Centripetal Persistence.
Sam Wang: Centripetal Summary is an abstract of Sam’s compendium of looking, finding, and creating. Sam uses current digital technology as well as antique palladium, gum, and darkroom processes that he sometimes combines and layers. With Sam’s eye and adventuresomeness there will always be more. Summary is an homage to Sam’s 40 years on a centripetal path as artist, educator, and skilled, fearless craftsman.
Sam Wang was born in Beijing, China and immigrated to the United States. He studied art in South Dakota and received his MFA in Photography from the University of Iowa. For 40 years he was head of Clemson University’s photography program, graduating hundreds of photography graduate students He also co-initiated the Clemson MFA program in Digital Production Arts, preparing students for the animation industry. At Clemson, he received the Alumni Distinguished Professor of Art Award. He has been recognized as an Honored Educator by the Society for Photographic Education – Southeast Region. He was presented the Elizabeth Verner Award by Governor Nikki Haley for his contributions to the arts in South Carolina.
Sam and the Department of Visual Arts dedicate Sam Wang: Centripetal Summary as a memorial to Blake Praytor. Blake, one of Sam’s MFA graduates, was Greenville Tech’s Department of Visual Arts’ lead photography instructor for 14 years and DVA chair for 9.
Sam Wang: Centripetal Summary is on view in Greenville Technical College’s Benson Campus Galleries, 2522 Locust Hill Road, Monday – Thursday, 9am – 7pm and Friday, 9am to 2pm. The public is welcome. For more information visit or call Fleming Markel, Gallery Director or Pat Owens, Gallery Assistant at 864 250-3051 or email [email protected].