Event Types: Visual Arts
Jul 15, 2023 12:00 PM — Sep 9, 2023 6:00 PM
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Contact Information
Kevin Kao
[email protected]https://www.tigerstrikesasteroid.comhttps://www.instagram.com/tsa_gvl/Details
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Greenville (TSA GVL) artist collective is pleased to present OUTERSCAPE, a group exhibition that explores expanded approaches for experiencing, interpreting, and inhabiting natural environments. Each of the artists reimagines the well-worn genre of ‘landscape’ through direct observation of their surroundings, speculative futures, phenomenological experience, the sublime, or parafictional histories. Eddy paints directly from observation outdoors where he creates hazy atmospheric paintings that capture an overall sense of color, mood, and light - exchanging visual documentation for emotional interpretation. Mitchell synthesizes digital design aesthetics with formalist abstract painting to create a new vocabulary for describing his surroundings. O’Steen’s bespoke instruments use video and audio to collect and amplify sound, asking the viewer to question their relationship to both distant and immediate landscapes. Bolen creates a speculative future that records our current climate crisis while simultaneously imagining the optics and aesthetics of a possible geo-engineered future. Weaver’s work looks at the parallel universe of microscopic life, centering metaphors of queer/trans identity, non-binary embodiment, and queer transcendence. Borowski honors the history of bathhouses as sites of queer desire by combining traditional photographic techniques with generative AI. Together, these artists offer alternative theories of place and new strategies for inhabiting it.