Awakening the Power Of Love – Book Event
Meet the author: Gabriela Patania
Event Types: Literary Arts
Sep 8, 2023 6:30 PM — Sep 8, 2023 8:00 PM
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Contact Information
Pillar Holistic Center
[email protected]
FREE Book Event!
We're thrilled to present the Argentinian author Gabriela Patania's latest book,
"Awakening the Inner Power of Love"!
Gabriela takes readers on a
transformative journey, delving intothe depths of self-discovery and
personal growth, self-love, compassion,
and inner strength.
Her Inspirational Book take us towards a
more loving and compassionate world with the boundless potential of love tocreate positive change in our lives and the world.
"Awakening the Inner Power of Love" is a timely reminder thatlove is the driving force that can heal and uplift individuals and societies alike. With profound wisdom,
invites us toharness the transformative power of love and apply it into ourdaily lives.
Whether you seek to overcome challenges, strengthenrelationships, or cultivate a deeper sense of purpose, this bookoffers invaluable guidance and support.
"My purpose in writing this book is to inspire readers torecognize their own inner power of love and
use it to create a positive ripple effect in their lives and the lives of those aroundthem.
"Join us at
Pillar Holistic on September 8th to meet Gabriela Patania and her latest book.
"Awakening the Inner Power ofLove" is available now at
Pillar Holistic.
Gabriela's website:
Instagram: @gabriela_patania