33rd Annual Upstate High School Art Exhibition
208 pieces of artwork from 24 High Schools
Event Types: Visual Arts
Mar 29, 2023 1:00 PM — Apr 20, 2023 9:00 PM
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Contact Information
Greenville Technical College Department of Visual arts
[email protected]https://www.gvltec.edu/academics_learning/arts-sciences/visual_arts/index.htmlhttps://www.instagram.com/greenvilletech_dva/https://www.facebook.com/GreenvilleTechDVADetails
The Department of Visual Arts at Greenville Technical College is thrilled to announce the 33rd Annual Upstate High School Art Exhibition (AUHSAE). 50 individual teachers from 24 Upstate high school art programs submitted a record setting 208 works. AUHSAE includes both two-dimensional and three-dimensional student art. The exhibition consists of 13 categories including traditional medias such as drawing, painting, ceramics but also specialized medias such as fiber, metals, and animation.
AUHSAE is a juried exhibition. The initial jurying process is completed by the Upstate high school art instructors themselves. They choose student works to represent the quality and diversity of their own programs. These particularly diligent teachers make sure student entry criteria are met and then deliver their student entries to a designated collection point. All of their selections are on view during the exhibition. A professional artist then serves as the awards juror. Each AUHSAE award is a cash award and is split between the winning student and that student’s art program.
For 2023, the AUHSAE awards juror is Michael May. Michael May is Associate Professor of drawing, painting and printmaking at Furman University. Michael graduated from Ball State University with a B.F.A. in painting. He earned an M.F.A. from Miami University. Michael has been making art for 20 years and teaching for 12 while showing his work nationally and internationally. Before becoming a teacher, Michael worked in a direct care capacity for children with special needs, young adults with criminal records and adults with mental illnesses. Michael chose all the awards within each category and also the Best In Show.
With great care, persistence, and many trips back and forth through the galleries comparing works, Michael singled out 30 works as award winners. She states, Everything in this exhibition was made well. The artists clearly have a lot of natural ability and exceptional teachers. The first thing I thought after making my way through the entire exhibit was that these young men and women are a lot better than I was when I was their age. That makes me happy!
The 33rd Annual Upstate Highs School Art Exhibition closing reception will be on Thursday, April 20 beginning at 6pm on the Benson Campus behind Building 301 in the plaza. The awards presentation will begin at 6:30 in the amphitheater. If raining, both will be held indoors in the commons area of Building 301. The exhibition fills the galleries on the second floor of Building 301. GTC’s Department of Visual Arts also produces an exhibition catalog picturing each award-winning work and listing all participants to be distributed to each participating student and their teacher at the awards presentation.
Thank you to the Metropolitan Arts Council, Netalytics, APCO Plastics, Reel Video and Stills, and the Greenville Tech Foundation for generously making the AUHSAE and its cash awards possible. Lander University’s Department of Art also presents a Lander Merit Award.